Here's what you'll get:

A set of resources to discover and use the 18 drivers for high-performance sustainable teamwork as levers with your teams

  • Engaging video capsules: Learn key concepts and strategies in bite-sized videos, accessible anytime, anywhere

  • Self-reflective guides: Deepen your understanding and apply your learning with practical exercises and prompts

  • "Sustainable Teams" book: Receive a physical copy of the book to reinforce your knowledge and guide your implementation journey

Course curriculum

    1. VIDEO | Introduction 18 drivers for sustainable teamwork

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Introduction

    1. VIDEO | Sustainable Teams: definition and main characteristics

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Chapter 1

    1. VIDEO | Sustainable Teams: core principles and inspirational currents

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Chapter 2

    1. VIDEO | 18 drivers for high-performance teamwork

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Chapter 3

    1. VIDEO | How to use the 18 drivers with your team

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Chapter 4

    1. VIDEO | The journey goes on

    2. Self-reflective Guide | Chapter 5

About this course

  • CHF175.00
  • 15 leçons
  • 0 heures de contenu vidéo

Develop your skills and transform your team

Learn how to leverage the 18 drivers for high-performance teamwork. Enroll today!


Founder & Managing Director Frederic Meuwly

Frederic is passionate about teams and organizations development which led him to create Actitudes back in 2010. As a consultant and keynote speaker, he helps senior executives and their teams drive change, enhance leadership, and strengthen workplace culture. Frederic recently published his vision of teams and organizations development in a book entitled "Sustainable Teams: 18 drivers to enable high-performance teamwork" .